Exterior With Objects
o Examples: a parking lot with vehicles, a fenced-in patio with furniture, a sidewalk with parking meters, etc.
o Use free hand perspective and line variation to heighten the illusion of three dimensions and the deeper space of exterior vs. still life
o Line only
o Materials
• Drawing pencil, conte, or charcoal pencil, hard eraser, good-quality white paper (22”x30”)
The above example is the one I mentioned it class. Now, it certainly has some perspective problems and could use more line variation within lines and a bit more confidence in the lines. But, if nothing else, it does an excellent job of heightening the illusion of a much deeper space than the still life has provided you. Notice how the student executed each layer of space (the drawing board, the objects on the patio, the railing, the parking lot, the apartment building across the way, and the more distant apartment building) with a different quality of line. As a result, even though the problems I mentioned before are still there, the illusion of very deep space can be seen and this drawing is quite successful.
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